
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

This much read novel is one of my all time favourites, recommended to me by a friend, The Secret History sucks you in from the first line: 'The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.'

You've got to admit - that's a great opener! You read that and so many questions immediately pop into your head and you WILL keep reading until they are answered. A testament to the brilliant level of writing is that although you know Bunny will die, the sense of suspense never waivers.

Lead character Richard joins the elite Classics class in his University, already populated by a group of unique and unusual students; Bunny, Patrick, Charles, Camilla and Francis. Their love of the Greek classics (which are referenced throughout the book but without feeling heavy) and reluctance to participate in everyday society, cause their lives to take a dangerous and tragic turn, pivoting around Bunny's death. Just superb.

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